Daily Stats Past 30 days Overall Stats 2023-Now
609 |
612 |
561 |
1149 |
1207 |
1090 |
1301 |
721 |
537 |
882 |
767 |
339 |
2337 |
703 |
1537 |
1152 |
1635 |
890 |
1271 |
2136 |
1135 |
2552 |
1095 |
430 |
751 |
572 |
899 |
456 |
1760 |
1480 |
2.8 | 3.8 | 4.8 | 5.8 | 6.8 | 7.8 | 8.8 | 9.8 | 10.8 | 11.8 | 12.8 | 13.8 | 14.8 | 15.8 | 16.8 | 17.8 | 18.8 | 19.8 | 20.8 | 21.8 | 22.8 | 23.8 | 24.8 | 25.8 | 26.8 | 27.8 | 28.8 | 29.8 | 30.8 | 31.8 |
Hours 0-6 | Hours 6-12 | Hours 12-18 | Hours 18-24 |
9.1% | 6.3% | 2.3% | 0.5% | 0.3% | 0.2% | 0.3% | 0.4% | 0.7% | 1.4% | 2.5% | 3.4% | 4.3% | 4.5% | 5.0% | 5.3% | 5.4% | 5.4% | 5.2% | 6.1% | 6.1% | 6.9% | 9.1% | 9.4% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
Monday 14.7% | Tuesday 16.5% | Wednesday 15.1% | Thursday 14.3% | Friday 13.8% | Saturday 11.6% | Sunday 14.0% |
Nick | Lines Written | Random Quote | ||
1 | astropoint | 121698 | 15.3 13:50 | "he seems to be away at the moment" |
2 | mids | 56335 | 22.3 13:24 | "might go for a swim as a break from project" |
3 | willfir | 48304 | 15.9.2010 0:58 | "yeah the new live thing is deeply turd incidentally" |
4 | shadowqueen | 29002 | 24.2 22:42 | "internet *would* fail then" |
5 | Anubis | 28649 | 25.4 15:43 | "think i might troll chaotic neutral" |
6 | Zeus | 18144 | 14.8 17:07 | "my old boss has the newer model" |
7 | Phipli | 14943 | 29.8 21:21 | "and also quit nursing about 35 years ago" |
8 | BigG | 12106 | 26.6 17:41 | "Personally I would much rather just do them all separately." |
9 | yoinkster | 11648 | 19.6 0:26 | "heh, I guess I've missed it by now have I" |
10 | Kegger | 11640 | 24.11.2010 0:54 | "you will not consume my life facebook, you shall not!" |
11 | Rampage | 7729 | 8.11.2010 22:49 | "hmm might have forgotten to do a global one" |
12 | JonSmith | 6657 | 22.2 21:56 | "still slower than mine even from a single core perspective" |
13 | judgesuds | 4759 | 29.10.2010 15:20 | "anyone know a good place where i can find online work?" |
14 | watzisneim | 3736 | 30.9.2010 17:00 | "oh dear. i remember shadowqueen's use of twitter for stalking" |
15 | itsmonktastic | 2137 | 17.8 0:54 | "or regular arrangements :P" |
16 | Plebeianette | 1848 | 1.12.2010 0:01 | "right, bed time for me" |
17 | RubberSnowman | 1742 | 29.4 23:43 | "I wrote a Matlab script to go through my films directory and scrape all of the info about them from Rotten Tomatoes into Excel. :D" |
18 | ZeeClone | 1566 | 23.9.2010 23:57 | "there's an article on wired about how to survive a dog attack" |
19 | SpookyKid | 1446 | 30.12.2010 0:10 | "47% progress on big 4 download" |
20 | Echelon | 1406 | 9.3 22:24 | "got put into a pilot group months ago" |
21 | RupertS | 1196 | 23.10.2010 20:31 | "is there a way to USB it?" |
22 | sintaku | 1138 | 5.6 17:23 | ">_> has anyone had a typhoid injection before?" |
23 | Powers | 1124 | 7.1 22:45 | "and not just cos it has a picture of a penis as the background" |
24 | Y | 1035 | 25.4 23:57 | "Albeit not changing the water colour itself." |
25 | Mads | 748 | 3.5 13:38 | "what's the seedbox URL?" |
26 | HDBob | 721 | 3.10.2010 21:10 | "You just need to get hold of the dump file" |
27 | Circadia | 704 | 10.7 1:33 | "hey Kinjal =)" |
28 | jakash | 685 | 13.10.2010 0:08 | "i used to be an incredibly amateur dj" |
29 | Poorna | 563 | 24.6 15:38 | "but i am not christian" |
30 | AdamZA | 510 | 6.5 0:24 | "mhm will add it now - using macafee atm - jumping from trial to trial :P" |
31 | Rich | 465 | 5.6 22:20 | "i dropped my clock speeds a tiny bit on the gpu" |
32 | Dunners | 419 | 7.11.2010 14:54 | "I can get my own though, right?" |
33 | indecisivebarf | 417 | 17.7 11:03 | "c'mon download! why is the file so big? :s" |
34 | xolotl | 411 | 10.5 22:16 | "Yoalanda is leeching as well" |
35 | NakedDaro | 404 | 12.9.2010 20:05 | "Incidentally, when I was a pharmacy student we received a prescription for a vaginal suppository that read “insert 1 into pussy”. The..." |
36 | cit9 | 383 | 5.10.2010 16:44 | "we were all cursed the moment we started using computers" |
37 | Cocodude | 334 | 4.2 12:09 | "Well, I could try a different MySQL version. I currently use a slightly souped up, unofficial one." |
38 | PuShKaTa | 310 | 16.3 8:56 | "oh the new elder scrolls" |
39 | radical.m3chanical | 295 | 23.6 23:39 | "get some clunge matey" |
40 | FWMG! | 269 | 17.5 1:45 | "or maybe i need to type faster :)" |
41 | Abby | 214 | 13.10.2010 19:01 | "finally managed to install windows 7" |
42 | Mrwonderful | 199 | 10.10.2010 14:29 | "but it took me 30 mins to downlaod a 5mb file yday" |
43 | /fastdude7\ | 195 | 6.12.2010 9:31 | "can u get one that plugs into the cigerete lighter?" |
44 | joeyea | 182 | 30.11.2010 3:40 | "are you doing a year abroad?" |
45 | KiersThebad | 180 | 29.6 5:14 | "Not sure my Creative X-Fi Titanium soundcard would have enough amplifi... ...cation for speakers but for my headphones and at maximum volume..." |
46 | Vish | 161 | 13.12.2010 20:36 | "preconfigured version." |
47 | Amish | 152 | 13.6 23:58 | "http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=11+in+base+8" |
48 | T_Lord | 145 | 19.1 23:40 | "anybodi have off-campus DC++ at last" |
49 | Thundercracker | 136 | 28.1 22:54 | "i had it connected through the screen so i could use remote, but it is the screen that ruins the audio" |
50 | Speedyjagman | 133 | 13.11.2010 22:02 | "but some guy is downloading off me" |
CJP (123) | Frenchie (110) | khansahab (109) | tureklai (107) | KawaiiSocks (104) | Tinderbox (103) |
firstchoice (103) | 25p (98) | Feathers (93) | Waitey (87) | 3248890 (85) | Smoothsmith (83) |
Haribo (82) | oohaaa (81) | Tuichie2 (76) | magnerscider (74) | mr.burns (69) | scratchy (68) |
Venomrush (66) | Smelly_Kat (63) | piss_poor (60) | Gearog (60) | qwerty (59) | rich_27 (57) |
Mister_S (57) | ejim (57) | Kitchen (56) | Ritone (55) | Seamie (54) | georgethetortoise (54) |
starshinejuice (53) | patch (51) | Cooler (51) | Yolanda (49) | siimao (49) | ecukhe (49) |
Louis (44) | IFTN (44) | mnoise (43) | Snean (39) | Herbert (38) | camelelinoptipus (38) |
W4rtorn (36) | Shill (34) | machinewashable (34) | K_zR (34) | Skei (33) | Nachie (33) |
MrPudding (33) | spook2575 (32) | shimmytwoshoes (31) | JJ (31) | BlooderX (31) | Tonda1 (30) |
Looney (30) | Jimterf (30) | eyes (30) | PatBateman (29) | mooT (29) | Vinjy (28) |
Nightcrawlers (Hours 0-6) |
Early birds (Hours 6-12) |
Afternoon shift (Hours 12-18) |
Evening chatters (Hours 18-24) |
1 | astropoint - 24140 | astropoint - 11062 |
astropoint - 37426 | astropoint - 49070 |
2 | mids - 12973 | shadowqueen - 3799 |
mids - 18940 | willfir - 24854 |
3 | Kegger - 7217 | Zeus - 3343 |
willfir - 13354 | mids - 21973 |
4 | willfir - 7026 | willfir - 3070 |
shadowqueen - 11214 | Anubis - 12740 |
5 | Anubis - 6324 | mids - 2449 |
Zeus - 7395 | shadowqueen - 10843 |
6 | shadowqueen - 3146 | Anubis - 2264 |
Anubis - 7321 | Phipli - 9165 |
7 | yoinkster - 1747 | Kegger - 1811 |
Phipli - 3734 | BigG - 7941 |
8 | Rampage - 1234 | BigG - 1041 |
BigG - 2638 | yoinkster - 7439 |
9 | Phipli - 1194 | watzisneim - 898 |
JonSmith - 2249 | Zeus - 6979 |
10 | JonSmith - 1074 | Phipli - 850 |
yoinkster - 2243 | Rampage - 3751 |
42673 |
43183 |
40699 |
41066 |
31766 |
27518 |
29234 |
30106 |
32778 |
28140 |
26678 |
32850 |
9 2010 |
10 2010 |
11 2010 |
12 2010 |
1 2011 |
2 2011 |
3 2011 |
4 2011 |
5 2011 |
6 2011 |
7 2011 |
8 2011 |
This page was created on 5.9.2011 15:32 with mIRCStats v1.23 Run time: 48 seconds. English language file done by Ave & GreenReaper, modified by astro. mIRCStats is © 1998-2011 by Mikko "Ave" Auvinen |