Stationary Background

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Personal stats

astropoint pu
Country: English Flag England
OS:  Windows
Course: Information Technology
Last talked: 31.8. 22:17
Status: Hermit Operator
Lines: 1540
Active days: 364/365
Average lines per day: 4.2
Average letters per line: 53.6
Number of descriptions: 1
Question ratio: 4.7%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 30 days  Number of nicks used: 3  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Recent activity
31.8. 13:36*** astro has joined
21:41*** astro has left
21:41*** astro has joined
22:13*** astropointy has joined
22:17<astropointy> long days are long
SpookyKid Twofo Metalhead
Country: Finnish Flag Finland
OS:  Windows
Course: Biology
Last talked: 31.8. 16:02
Status: Normal user
Lines: 415
Active days: 88/365
Average lines per day: 4.7
Average letters per line: 93.4
Received a kicking 1 times
Question ratio: 0.7%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 30 days  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Recent activity
31.8. 11:50*** SpookyKid has joined
15:42<SpookyKid> SpookySpam Co is proud to bring you - Media Player Classic Playing (Archer S14E01 The Anglerfish Stratagem) stats (00:01:59 of 00:22:23)
16:02<SpookyKid> SpookySpam Co is proud to bring you - Media Player Classic Playing (Archer S14E02 30 for 30) stats (00:00:11 of 00:22:15)
yoinkster Beware the Groobe
Country: Nigerian Flag Nigeria
OS:  Windows
Course: Mathematics
Last talked: 24.8. 20:23
Status: Operator
Lines: 127
Active days: 23/365
Average lines per day: 5.5
Average letters per line: 85.3
Question ratio: 5.5%
Exclamation ratio: 3.1%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity  Last 30 days  He likes chatting with:

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24

Recent activity
27.8. 21:54*** yoinkster has left
21:54*** yoinkster has joined
28.8. 2:39*** yoinkster has left
11:14*** yoinkster has joined
12:16*** yoinkster has left
Kegger Twofo Cubist
OS:  Windows
Course: Philosophy
Last talked: 21.10.2022 10:43
Status: Normal user
Lines: 3
Active days: 1/365
Average lines per day: 3.0
Average letters per line: 41.3
Question ratio: 33%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Recent activity
21.10.2022 10:42<Kegger> I came across an old log from 2008 :P but I'm guessing...things are a bit quiet?
10:43<Kegger> i'll come say hi later too haha
10:43*** Kegger has left
5 yoinkislostabroad
Last talked: 5.10.2022 13:55
Status: Normal user
Lines: 2
Active days: 1/365
Average lines per day: 2.0
Average letters per line: 270
Question ratio: 50%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Recent activity
5.10.2022 13:52<yoinkislostabroad> hey yo pu are you there old chap
13:55<yoinkislostabroad> well anyway, when you do see this can you do me a wee favour? im in tenerife atm andwas hoping to order my tesco for when i get back but the bastards dont allow connections to from a foreign ip, is there any way you can set something up for me on your home connection just so i can putty/ssh in, order my tesco and then you can close it? i gotta head out in about 10 mins but ill leave my laptop...
judgesuds Twofo Awesome!
Country: Flag of the Marshall Islands Marshall Islands
OS:  Windows
Course: Philosophy
Last talked: 20.2. 9:35
Status: Normal user
Lines: 1
Active days: 1/365
Average lines per day: 1.0
Average letters per line: 4.00
Weekly activity  Hourly activity
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Recent activity
20.2. 9:35<mich> mich

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mIRCStats v1.25 © Mikko "Ave" Auvinen.