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Personal stats

SpookyKid Twofo Metalhead
Country: Finnish Flag Finland
OS:  Windows
Course: Biology
Last talked: 1.9.2021 17:43
Status: Normal user
Lines: 12
Active days: 1/1
Average lines per day: 12
Average letters per line: 294
Weekly activity  Hourly activity

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Recent activity
1.9.2021 17:25<SpookyKid> cleared about 50 or so GB of space. Still not done, but some I can't get rod off until I have adequate replacements. Time to start refilling some of that space with directors cuts and other weird versions I found because I can't just be content with what I have. Also, why is it never just as simple as directors cut or theatrical edition. Blade Runner has 7 different versions for fuck sake
17:39<SpookyKid> speaking of suitable replacements, do you have time to find copies of 'The Fly' and 'The Fly II' I've been trying to get a torrent for them but for some reason it can't retrieve the metadata. They are from 1986 and 1989
17:43<SpookyKid> lol, have fun with that. I'll worry about those later. I've got a fair few other torrents to keep me occupied for now
astropoint pu
Country: English Flag England
OS:  Windows
Course: Information Technology
Last talked: 1.9.2021 17:42
Status: Hermit Operator
Lines: 10
Active days: 1/1
Average lines per day: 10
Average letters per line: 57.2
Number of descriptions: 1
Question ratio: 10%
Weekly activity  Hourly activity

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Recent activity
1.9.2021 17:42<astro> fly 2 looks trickier either way
17:42* astro heads out to some other poor soul unable to find the left click button
23:07*** astro has left
yoinkster Beware the Groobe
Country: Nigerian Flag Nigeria
OS:  Windows
Course: Mathematics
Last talked: 1.9.2021 13:22
Status: Operator
Lines: 1
Active days: 1/1
Average lines per day: 1.0
Average letters per line: 96.0
Weekly activity  Hourly activity
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24
Recent activity
1.9.2021 7:38*** yoinkster has joined
13:22<yoinkster> thanks spoo, I still got a reasonable amount of junk q'd up but im not in any rush for any of it

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