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There aren't words to describe what these 4 users on Twofo are trying to say

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 astropoint  278 17.3. 22:36 " etc"
2 yoinkster  91 20.10.2019 13:53 "hold on, im not sharing anything atm, gimme a tickle! :P"
3 SpookyKid  37 2.9.2019 17:07 ":threads=(insert number here) in the extra options box in the video tab"
4 ZeeClone  14 24.6. 18:36 "Now I have seen the light:"

Bad language users

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 yoinkster  114 1.7. 9:05 "fucking crapple and their shitty fall apart tech"
2 SpookyKid  33 30.7. 15:29 "and how the fuck is it that I can go directly to a supplier site and get a quote, but if I go to one of
the uswitch style sites I get a different, lower quote"
3 astropoint  30 3.7. 21:13 "oh fuck, it's booted off the usb drive"
4 ZeeClone  7 8.6. 23:34 ":-P blame whyis for sending us bouncing from pillar to post buying vast amounts of shit"

Top 4 link advertisers

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 astropoint  86 5.2. 18:52 " and"
2 SpookyKid  25 5.6. 12:00 ""
3 yoinkster  10 20.7. 0:03 "hey pu ... looking for some ftl advice? watch this :P"
4 ZeeClone  7 24.6. 18:36 "Now I have seen the light:"

Twofo's short line writers

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 astropoint  180 9.7. 0:20 "same"
2 SpookyKid  30 17.1. 19:14 "test"
3 ZeeClone  9 24.6. 19:42 "Nope"

These people can't stop talking about their computer

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 astropoint  289 2.11.2019 12:09 "the cpu in there is the one I first bought when leaving warwick back in 2006, it's old and doesn
't support virtualisation stuff properly which I need from time to time"
2 SpookyKid  37 1.7. 1:41 "have you ever had playback issues with x265 videos astro. Trying to watch a 1080p one at the
moment in mpc and the motion is really janky, like it's skipping frames"
3 yoinkster  30 4.7. 19:06 "open hardware monitor"

Top 3 greeting people

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 astropoint  65 20.1. 18:12 "morning mich"
2 SpookyKid  52 27.9.2019 11:31 "morning all"
3 yoinkster  14 14.11.2019 23:10 "yo pu, you know how the small end of the phone cables have the RJ11 plug on them .... whats
the wide flat white plug called the other end"

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mIRCStats v1.25 © Mikko "Ave" Auvinen.